Meet the Speakers
Our presenters range from a myriad of backgrounds — from independent developers, to engineers of large startups, to the TypeScript team themselves. Come prepared to be inspired by peers and see what's next for the community.
Anders Hejlsberg

Anders Hejlsberg

Keynote Speaker

Anders Hejlsberg is a Microsoft Technical Fellow and the lead architect of the TypeScript open-source project. Anders has worked on development tools for over 35 years and is the original designer of C#, Delphi, and Turbo Pascal.

Josh Goldberg

Josh Goldberg

Type System Game Engines

Josh is a senior frontend developer at Codecademy, where he focuses on the core learning platform, accessibility, and web infrastructure. He's also an overly enthusiastic open source and TypeScript aficionado and works on TypeScript static analysis tools on the side.

Josh is from upstate New York and now lives in Brooklyn. In his spare time, he also appreciates a solid application architecture, crafting a retro game engine in TypeScript, and exploring meta-languages.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
ESLint complaints are not the same as TypeScript's! Read a lint rule's description to know whether you should disable it or change your code.

Tim Suchanek

Tim Suchanek

Pushing the Compiler to the Limit

Tim is a software engineer from Sauerland in Germany. He studied computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology. As he’s passionate about startups and new ideas, he afterwards moved to Berlin. Since 2016, he has been working at Prisma and leads the TypeScript efforts there.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
Don't rely on `typeof` as a library author for type checking input.

Lili Kastilio

Lili Kastilio

Lessons Learned Converting Snyk Codebase to TypeScript

Technical Services Architect at Snyk working on custom solutions with TypeScript to support unique customer setups. Previously a Full Stack engineer and Team Lead at Snyk, working on extending languages support into our system in a shape of libs, parsers and microservices. Spending lots of time working on dependency resolution, understanding the inner workings of package managers and integrating with package registries.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
I like to type any API endpoints & their responses before I start integrating with them, so there are no mistakes down the line. Once you have a typed input & output to a function you can fill in the gaps quickly. You also benefit from autocomplete in IDE when working with these API endpoints data structures, pretty neat!

Chris Noring

Chris Noring

Adding Augmented Reality to Your TypeScript App

Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies. Published Author. Public speaker.

Ayşegül Yönet

Ayşegül Yönet

Adding Augmented Reality to Your TypeScript App

Ayşegül Yönet is a Senior Azure Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft and focuses on Spatial Computing, Mixed Reality, Cognitive Services, and Data Visualization. She is a co-chair of W3C Immersive Web Working Group and Community Group and a Google Developer Expert for Web Technologies. She co-hosts the San Francisco WebXR Meetup and enjoys teaching at a variety of non-profit organizations, aiming to increase diversity in the software industry. She is the co-founder of Code4Good, an organization with the vision of helping people to contribute to open source. Previously she led Women Who Code meetups, Girl Develop It and Black Girls Code workshops and was a CTO at AnnieCannons, a bootcamp dedicated to teaching tech skills to human trafficking survivors. Lately she enjoys creating tutorials for YouTube AysSomething Channel and Youtube WebXR Channel.

Miranda Van Minnen

Miranda Van Minnen

Using TypeScript to Define Service APIs

Miranda spent 8 years as an Industrial Controls Engineer in Motion Control before switching to software. She’s currently working as a Software Engineer at Convoy in their Infrastructure org, and has previous experience developing their mobile app. When Miranda is not seeking out ambiguous technical problems, she’s working on converting JavaScript files to TypeScript, or creating a more inclusive workplace.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
Discriminated Unions is a feature I recommend every TS user learn and understand. I find it's often overlooked, but a powerful way to simplify complex typing for clean and clear handling.

Luis Fernando Alvarez

Luis Fernando Alvarez

Strongly Typed Multiplayer Game Programming

Luis Fernando Alvarez is a software consultant at Stack Builders. He has been working in the software development industry for more than ten years, both in the backend and frontend. Developer by day, musician by night. He enjoys doing weird experiments with misunderstood technologies.

Joey Watts

Joey Watts

A Trip into the Compiler

Joey is a Software Engineer at Bloomberg, where he focuses on building core infrastructure and developer tooling for an internal JavaScript framework that powers the Bloomberg Terminal. In 2019, he contributed to the implementation of ES private fields in the TypeScript compiler. Originally from Maryland, Joey earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. He now lives in New York. Outside of work, he enjoys playing soccer, grabbing drinks with friends, and eating chicken wings while watching VT football.

John Papa

John Papa

Deploying Web Apps to the Cloud with TypeScript

LearnShop: Converting Node Express to Serverless with Azure Functions with TypeScript

John Papa is a dedicated father and husband, a professional Web Developer, and avid OSS and community advocate. He currently is a Cloud Advocate for Microsoft and has formerly worked for Disney on several web and mobile applications that you may have used. His passions are coding and teaching modern web technologies and enjoying everything Disney with his family.

John is a co-host of the Real Talk JavaScript podcast, author of the Angular Style Guide, and many popular Pluralsight courses.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
Implicit types are your friend

Craig Shoemaker

Craig Shoemaker

Deploying Web Apps to the Cloud with TypeScript

LearnShop: Converting Node Express to Serverless with Azure Functions with TypeScript

Craig Shoemaker is a web application and Node.js developer who has spent countless days bending HTML and JavaScript to bend to his will. Most of his hours in the day are spent writing code and docs for Microsoft, specializing in Azure Functions and Azure Static Web Apps. When his head is not in the cloud(s), he’s a co-host for RealTalk JavaScript, a Pluralsight author, and father of five.

Orta Therox

Orta Therox

Own the Playground: Making Your Own Plugins for the TypeScript Playground

Orta works on the TypeScript team, in the last year, he's designed & shipped the new TypeScript website, playground and process for contributing to DefinitelyTyped.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
Most JavaScript users are TypeScript users nowadays.

Daniel Rosenwasser

Daniel Rosenwasser

TalkScript with the TypeScript Team

Daniel is the program manager on the TypeScript team at Microsoft. He has spent about half his time on the team as both an engineer and as a program manager, and has had a long-standing passion for programming languages, type systems, and compilers.

Ryan Cavanaugh

Ryan Cavanaugh

TalkScript with the TypeScript Team

Ryan is the engineering lead for TypeScript at Microsoft and has been working on it since its first public release.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Use triple equals
Because "1" == true

Ben Ilegbodu

Ben Ilegbodu

Workshop: TypeScript + React = ❤️

Ben is a Christian, husband, and father of 3, with 15 years of professional experience developing user interfaces for the Web. He currently is a Principal Frontend Engineer at Stitch Fix on their Frontend Platform team, helping architect their Design System. Ben also is a Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, and enjoys playing basketball, DIY, watching movies, and tweeting / blogging about his experiences with new web technologies.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
When starting a new project, turn on the strict flag to enforce stronger guarantees of correctness! 💪🏾

Rene Rubalcava

Rene Rubalcava

Workshop: Build ArcGIS Mapping Apps with TypeScript

I'm a SoftWhere Dev at Esri making tools for users to build awesome mapping applications! Helping users do their best work is my goal.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
TypeScript is a great way to see how your data is transformed in your app, from fetch, to transform, to display! Everything is awesome!

Marcia Villalba

Marcia Villalba

Workshop: Getting into the Cloud with TypeScript

Marcia is a developer advocate for AWS and the host of FooBar a youtube channel where she publishes content every week, related to serverless and the cloud. She has been designing and developing software professionally for 15 years and worked in all the different stages of building scaling and performant software. She has deep knowledge of building applications in the cloud and using DevOps processes.

Ryan Chenkie

Ryan Chenkie

Workshop: Tightening the Full-Stack Development Loop with Nexus and Prisma

Ryan is a full-stack JavaScript developer working at Prisma in developer relations for GraphQL. He's a course author, teaching on subjects ranging from the basics of front end development to full-stack web security. He also hosts the Entrepreneurial Coder Podcast.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
If you're new to TypeScript in React, there are two things you can focus on to get a lot of value: use interfaces to strongly-type the props accepted by your components and add type annotations to your hooks.

Mike Hartington

Mike Hartington

Workshop: Stencil for Cross-Framework Components

Mike is a developer, Angular GDE, and Ionic Developer Advocate who's been working in the mobile landscape for most of his professional career. When he's not working Ionic itself, Mike works with community members and helps them succeed at mobile. In his spare time, he’s an aspiring woodworker, occasional musician, and craft beer lover.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
When in doubt...put an `any` on it (Don't follow my previous tip...FOR REALZ!)

Minko Gechev

Minko Gechev

Workshop: Building Apps with Angular and Firebase

Minko Gechev is an engineer in the Angular team at Google. For the past years, he has been building open source tools for static analysis, libraries, and frameworks. Before joining Google, he was a co-founder and CTO at the EdTech company, which in 2019 was acquired by Coursera.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
Use labeled tuple elements to get more hints from your text editor :)

Pierre Poupin

Pierre Poupin

Workshop: A Journey Through Typing Loopback 3

Web developer for 4 years, I fell in love with Javascript development since I started using typing systems (Typescript, Flow). I am fond of Vim, and very curious with gamedev. At home, I play the guitar and enjoy lots of video games!

Burke Holland

Burke Holland

LearnShop: Converting Node Express to Serverless with Azure Functions with TypeScript

Burke Holland is a front-end developer living in Nashville, TN; the greatest city in the world according to science. He enjoys JavaScript a lot because it's the only way he Node to Express himself. Get it? Never mind. Burke blogs only slightly better than he codes and definitely not as good as he talks about himself in the third person. Burke works JavaScript things at Microsoft on behalf of JavaScript developers everywhere. You can find him on Twitter as @burkeholland

TypeScript Tip or Experience
The best thing about TypeScript is that it follows the JavaScript standard. Which means once you know TypeScript, you also know modern JavaScript.

Aaron Powell

Aaron Powell

TypeScript + GitHub Codespaces

Aaron is a Developer Advocate at Microsoft. Having spent 15 years doing web development he’s seen it all, from browser wars, the rise of AJAX and the fall of 20 JavaScript frameworks (and that was just yesterday!). Always tinkering with something new he explores crazy ideas like writing your own implementation of numbers in .NET, creating IoC in JavaScript or implementing tic-tac-toe using git commits. When not sitting at a computer he can be found running while pushing his two kids in a pram.

Nick Nisi

Nick Nisi


Nick Nisi is a software engineer and veteran of open source web development from Nebraska. He's a panelist on JS Party, a lover of karaoke, a conference organizer extraordinaire, a lover of new experiences, a vim user, and a beacon of expertise, kindness and hope for his development team.

TypeScript Tip or Experience
Anders laughed at one of my jokes one time.

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